Serving Manhattan, Kansas and the Surrounding Communities
Welcome to MAMTA!
Event Chair: Nancy Blockcolsky, (785) 313-2550
Event location: Kirmser Hall, Kansas State University
Date: Saturday, February 18, 2023 (in-person only)
Deadline for entries: Postmarked by Tuesday, January 17, 2023 or Delivered by Friday, January 20, 2023
Entry fees:
For students of MAMTA Members: $25.00 per student (non-refundable)
For students of non-MAMTA Members: $35.00 per student (non-refundable)
Please submit one check to cover the total fees for all students from your studio.
Make checks payable to MAMTA
Entry Form: 2023 Concerto Competition Entry Form
Please contact Nancy Blockcolsky at or (785) 313-2550 with any questions. Send/deliver entry forms and checks to Nancy Blockcolsky, PO Box 4, Olsburg, KS 66520
In-Person Competition Divisions (Tentative):
Grades K-5
Grades 6
Grades 7-9
Grades 10-12
Virtual Competition Divisions (Tentative):
Grades K-3
Grades 4-6
Grades 7-9
Grades 10-12
Pieces should be original concertos composed for the piano. The accompaniment must be played on a second piano. The teacher has full discretion regarding the selection of repertoire.
Rules for the Competition:
Concerto Competition participation is open to all piano students in grades K-12. There is an additional fee for students whose teachers are not members of MAMTA. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, performances will not be open to the public this year.
All concerto music must be memorized.
The student must have his/her own accompanist and a copy of the music for the judge; photocopies are not acceptable. Music that is legally downloaded from the Internet is acceptable with documentation. Please number all measures.
Performances are subject to the following time limits: Gr K-3 – five minutes; Gr 4-6 – seven minutes; Gr 7-9 – ten minutes; Gr 10-12 – twelve minutes. Cuts are allowed, if necessary, to stay within the time limit. Each student will be assigned a specific time slot based on the length of the piece performed, with three minutes added to allow the judge time for writing comments.
The decisions of the judge are final. The judge may award winner, second place, and honorable mention(s) in each category. The judge has the option to award a tie or not to award a winner if he/she deems it.
Every participant will receive a written critique and a certificate.
Winners will be announced via email to the teachers. The winners’ concert will be a virtual event. Details TBD.
FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE USE (N/A for the 2023 Competition):
Additional Rules for Virtual Competition:
1) Create the video in a horizontal aspect (do not hold the phone vertically while recording). Save the video in MP4 format if possible. The recording must be in “one take.” No cutting or editing of the video is allowed. If a student is performing more than one movement and the movements are short, you may make one video; if they are longer, please make one video per movement and upload each video separately.
2) It is very important to compress your video. If the videos are huge files, they take a VERY long time to upload and if your internet connection isn't stable, it could stop and we will not get the video, so you would need to start over. Reduce (compress) the size (resolution) of the video. 480P is more than enough to upload. A free program called HANDBRAKE will do the job for you.